Meets Tradition
Adaptogens aren't new. They are herbs and mushrooms that have been used for thousands of years in traditional Chinese medicine for supporting the body's resistance to stress, regulating energy, mood, and the nervous system.
Herbal Boosters are Qi tonics that contain rejuvenating herbs that help to restore the body's qi or 'vitality' and normalize physical, emotional and spiritual imbalances. In Eastern medicine, the 'whole person' rather than a singular disease is the focus. Adaptogens act on the whole body helping to reduce the severity of our response to stress, improve our hability to adapt to stressors, and normalize the imbalances brought about by the stress response.
Today scientific research is catching up with ancient tradition, validating their use and benefits. Scientific Studies:
Adaptogens from traditional use to medical systems.
Study on adaptogens and their bioactivity.